Shelters are the most basic unit of the OCSOS. You cannot add any other information except for administrators without first having a shelter. You can add as many shelters as you need.
Last updated
Shelters are the most basic unit of the OCSOS. You cannot add any other information except for administrators without first having a shelter. You can add as many shelters as you need.
Last updated
To add a shelter, click on View / Add Shelters from the Dashboard or Shelters -> View Shelters the left hand menu. Once on the shelter page, click the Add Shelter button.
To complete the shelter profile, you must fill out the following:
Shelter name
Minimum Capacity - Please add the minimum capacity of the shelter during a given time period. This will be displayed on the shelter's listing, but does not have any bearing on how much space is actually available. Available space is calculated based on shelter spaces.
Status - Open means the shelter is accepting clients for intake. Closed means the shelter is currently not accepting clients for intake, and will not appear in results. Info Only means the the shelter not currently accepting clients for intake, but will appear in search results.
Booking Type - In Person Booking indicates that people can enter the shelter by showing up in person. Phone Booking indicates that a person can call ahead for reserving space. Medical Referral indicates that a physician's approval must accompany any booking attempt.
Shelter Address
Eligibility Guidelines - Please share any eligibility guidelines for who or who cannot enter the shelter.
Intake Instructions - Please share hours when shelter is open and what prospective shelter clients need to do to enter your shelter.
Contact Phone
Contact Email
Once added, you will see the shelter in the list. You can click the View button to view more details about the shelter or edit information.
To edit the shelter information, click the blue button and all information about the shelter will pop up.
To view spaces related to the shelter, click the button to view the Spaces table.
You can add a new space on this page by clicking the button.
You can view a space in detail by clicking the button next to the space.