Spaces are the key component of the OCSOS. Anywhere someone can stay in the shelter is a space, whether it's a single bed, apartment style, hotel. etc.
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Spaces are the key component of the OCSOS. Anywhere someone can stay in the shelter is a space, whether it's a single bed, apartment style, hotel. etc.
Last updated
Spaces are the most important data element to get right. For instance, if you run a shelter that is predominantly bunks that shift every week, each bunk would be a space with a capacity of 1. If you have an apartment style shelter where families can stay for 90 days, you may set the maximum stay to 90 and make the capacity 2-8 people depending on amount of beds.
Spaces are made up of a few key characteristics:
Must be located within a shelter.
Maintain a safe capacity of people they can hold, with a minimum of 1.
Have a type (set from a predefined list of Hotel, Apartment Unit, Bunk, Single Bed, Congregate Setting, or Other).
Set an Availability Status of Available or Under Maintenance. This setting is just to be able to remove the space in case maintenance is happening. If maintenance is happening, you can set the maintenance date and first available date as well.
Establish a maximum days of stay. This is measured in days and is the maximum amount of time the space can be taken before it is released once again to another person.
To add a space, click Add Space. First, select the shelter the space should be a part of.
Next, fill out the remaining information keeping in mind the prompts above.
Press submit to save the space.
You can bulk add spaces via csv upload as well.
If you want to upload many spaces at once, you can with our csv template! Go to the Spaces dashboard, then click the Bulk Add button. You will be given a link to download with one row of prefilled data as a guide. Be sure to read the instructions and remove any data that is not relevant. Add your own data, select your shelter, select your csv file, and then click Upload! That's it!